Tuesday, February 12, 2008

{movie} the king of kong (2007)

When Steve Wiebe got laid off, he turned to the classic arcade game Donkey Kong for solace; soon, he decided to challenge Billy Mitchell's long-standing record score. So began the bitter rivalry that lies at the heart of this curiously compelling documentary. Providing a history of competitive video gaming and a look at some of the key players, The King of Kong is at its best when revealing just how far Mitchell will go to retain his crown.

ireviewnetflix.com rating: *** These guys are such geeks!!! It's really hard to care about them when I keep thinking, "What losers!" However, eventually I found myself enthralled in the drama of the competition. But what a bunch of jerks to try and disprove Steve Wiebe's record. I was glad that he stood up to them and defended his record. And Brian Kuh is an incredible jerk! Probably the biggest loser of them all. Second only to Brian Mitchell who is such an egomaniac, it's not even funny. These guys need women. The only normal one seems to be Steve Wiebe.


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